I'm sorry to have dropped out of the blogosphere - I've been on vacation effectively since June and I'm enjoying life without the internet.
I'm going to give a lengthy description of where I've been, followed by more extensive thoughts on things when my brain gets back. For ease of narration (and so we can all skim), I'm organizing by date.
Thursday 6/29
As I mentioned, my aunt and grandmother flew in from Hawaii on the 29th, so I went to my parents' house in NJ. I spent the whole afternoon Thursday sitting and talking with my grandmother while my aunt napped (they took the red-eye flight after a full day of work). It was so nice to have several hours to discuss anything and everything and catch up with each other - my gram is an amazing person, and it's such a treat to have her company.
I was in charge of making dinner Thursday night while my dad was at work and my mom at clinic. For this task I had to learn to use the grill... and now I get it. My dad is always happiest while grilling, and I've now also discovered the Zen of grilling. Unfortunately, it took a big fireball and scorching the ends of my hair to sort out how much propane is too much (thankfully my clothing and eyebrows remained unignited). I made lime-and-pepper marinated chicken that even I found delicious. I also cooked rice, and my gram and I prepared squash with Vidalia onion in the pressure cooker (another elusive kitchen device I've never used). My brother came home in time to have dinner with us, and toward the end my dad got home as well. It was nice being there with the house full of people, all of whom enjoyed my cooking and complimented me repeatedly (hehe - I'm only half-joking).
We talked story way into the night once my mom got home from clinic, and then we set up air mattresses whereupon I had perhaps the best sleep I've ever had. That thing was even more comfortable than my mattress at home, and as an added bonus, it was low enough that the cats and Otto could freely hop into bed with me and snuggle up.
Friday 6/30
My mom was off work, so it was a girls' day shopping. We started out going to this great little store called Sasha's in Atlantic Highlands - if you live on the Jersey shore, you owe it to yourself to check that place out, as it's super-fun. I came away with fantastic new party shoes, as well as an awesome fish-shaped bag ideal for carrying one's credit card, cell phone, keys et al. After that, we went to a bakery (the same one where I completely blew it and failed to pig out on pastry). My aunt purchased several dozen hard rolls to pick up just before they left - somehow it never occurrs to me how much we take things like proper hard rolls for granted. I succeeded in pastry for breakfast, purchasing one of the bigger and more delicious eclairs I've had in my life, as well as pignoli-encrusted almond cookies.
We had lunch at the Pour House, which was of course fantastic. Afterwards, we stopped by one of my favorite stores to get lovely frames (on sale!) and quite perfect mats. We went by the Walgreen's I used to work at and my former manager told me her husband had passed away, which was pretty sad. She told me about her plans to move in with her daughter and grandchildren (I believe) and sounded optimistic, but is definitely a changed woman. We ended up coming back fairly early so that my mum could head to Friday evening clinic and I could sit in traffic for an hour to get ink cartridges, then I headed up to Brooklyn.
Friday evening Eric and I (after much "discussion") went to Crobar where our friend Seth was hosting a Zoo party. I revamped my monarch butterfly wings with blaze orange and polarizing reflective pigments in an acrylic binder (yay Painting Processes!) so they would be all blacklight-glowy. I also took out their wire armiture to prevent excessive eye-gouging or other tragedies involving beautiful 94-pound eighteen-year-olds. Lamentably, Eric no longer dances with me (when did that happen??), but it was still a pretty great time. I took a lot of photos of lights, nearly naked people, and the glow guy (none of which came out even remotely in focus). Afterwards I took some night-time photos around Chelsea, which I also posted in the Crobar set in Flickr.
Saturday 7/1
I spent most of Saturday in a state of intense indecision, trying to select photos to present in the summer BWAC show. Literally, I passed hours agonizing in front of my computer, editing things, yelling at myself for not being better organized, then scrapping whole series time after time. Finally I got a good set together and was ready to print, then got into another bout of inadequacy as Eric raised an eyebrow and said something about them being rather predictable. I ended up using my own printer(glad I bought those ink cartridges for Eric's) and matted and framed photos while we watched Vanilla Sky on TV. I couldn't help noticing an astonishing amount of parallels between it and Eyes Wide Shut, and I can't help thinking Tom Cruise (or someone like-minded) is working his own agenda into these films, as their presentation is just so blatant it's nearly absurd. If you are wondering what I'm talking about, think of the use of masks and obstruction of vision and you'll start getting at the heavy-handedness of metaphor in both films.
Sunday 7/2
Finally armed with my beautifully-framed photos (seriously, they looked spectacular), I headed down to the pier to hang my show. I can't explain it, but hanging shows absolutely consumes me with anxiety. I reckon it's the very essence of putting oneself on display for others - I could only feel worse if I were required to hang my panel in the nude and remain within a Lucite box for the duration.
I've also resolved that in future endeavors, I will put the time into making sure I frame or otherwise prepare my pieces so they are naturally level, as this will alleviate many frustrated hours attempting to get them to defy physics and hang straight.
My friend Arden hung about taking many photos of me (which used to unnerve me and now amuses me to no end) and helped me get things centered and level. I'm on a pretty prominent panel again, and even though I am entirely too self-conscious about photography to be presenting it, I think my panel hangs together rather well. I priced them all quite reasonably, fingers crossed they will sell.
In the pitch dark I remembered to run back and snap a quick shot to show my family (which I then promptly forgot to bring to NJ), but this is approximately what my panel looks like. I will attempt to post a virtual version if I get a chance, but if you're able, you should go to the BWAC Summer Show and check it out in person!
After leaving the pier, I headed to Steve's Authentic Key Lime Pies to get a key lime pie (naturally). That guy is so awesome - I didn't have any cash and only had my credit card with me but his machine was down, so he gave me the pie anyway and said "You'll get me back sometime." (Which reminds me...) I was pretty touched and had my faith in humanity restored a little bit.
As I went to Fairway (ugh) in search of an ATM (which didn't work) I bumbled into another little adventure, where a guy saying he did body work and had tools in his car to fix the boss's wife's car (whatevs) offered to repair my hood and the part of my back bumper recently crushed in (which I don't even think I mentioned, but on Father's Day weekend someone mashed in the corner of my brand-new bumper - argh). It was more money than I wanted to spend on my car, but decidedly less than such repairs would ever cost if I went to my usual body work place (it was even lower than my deductible). With wary caution and endless mental reptition of the phrase "You get what you pay for," I watched him perform miracles in the parking lot.
The bumper is obviously not a perfect repair, but it's good enough to pass for only having been glanced as opposed to victimized by treacherous parallel parking disabilities (literally it was completely concave and he was able to get it nearly flat). This is important because when people see you have one major crumple on your car, they have no qualms about adding scratches and dings. The hood is a flawless repair and actually latches properly now, such that I am no longer in fear of hitting a large bump and having it fly up obstructing my windshield. I also no longer calculate how much my aerodynamics are decreased by these structural problems or how much this costs me in inefficient gas mileage. Most of all, I am no longer angry at whatever family member or alien abductors were responsible for banging up my hood last January before I'd even gotten to see my car after very expensive repairs and replacements (from having been rear-ended last summer).
Point being, it's beautiful now and I came out with even further "hooray humanity" sentiments.
I came back home (forgetting all about that ATM and paying the pie man) and rushed around to pack a bag and get back on the road. The instant I closed my door, the sky fell out, rewarding me with the single most entertaining drive of my life. Coming over the Outerbridge Crossing, the sun was setting to my right and a massive thunderstorm approached from the left, converging in the middle with insanely beautiful light. I watched huge flashes of lightning strike across the sky while my mirrors filled with warm sunset - it was intensely wonderful. I attempted to take photos and got exactly one of lightning. Considering I was driving at around 80 mph, I'll accept that as a victory. The rest are in a Flickr set.
When I got back to my parents' house, I gave my aunt and grandmother birthday presents (my aunt's birthday being June 29th and my grandmother's later this month). My aunt loves purple, so I made her a print of a purple iris, and I made my gram a print of a white rose she'd admired earlier in the week when we were going through photos. They both seemed really touched and my aunt told me she'd had a dream the night before where I was seven and in Hawaii with her telling her where she should hang that exact print. It was fascinating to know other people in my family have such peculiar and accurate dreams.
I had missed dinner, but my parents were happy to make me a fabulous plate which included steak (done to a turn), a salad made of lettuce, tomatoes, avocado & gorgonzola, a steaming bowl of squash and zucchini, potato & macaroni salad... and more than a few rum drinks and glasses of wine. I am drooling in memory. We listened to Andrea Boccelli and swooned over his rendition of "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" (which I may upload soon for your listening pleasure). So so beautiful.
We had a lovely conversation, then everyone took their drunken selves to bed smiling and happy. It was such a nice evening.
Monday 7/3
In the morning, my parents and I took the dogs hiking in Hartshorne's, which has quickly become my favorite thing to do I think. I really love hiking, and the trails there are just perfect. It had rained overnight and was still a bit overcast, so it was cool for most of the hike. When we got down to the beach we were the only people around, so my dad was able to throw a dummy for Molly to retrieve from the water. She is so cute swimming it's almost unbearable, but she quickly grew tired of it and returned to the beach. For his part, Otto danced around the edge of the water afraid of getting his feet wet, which answered my "Do dachshunds like swimming?" inquiry. I suspect if it were warmer out, he may have been convinced, but as yet, I'm still deprived of the wonder I imagine would be Otto swimming.
As you may have guessed, I made another Flickr set of hiking.
When we returned from hiking, my dad and I got out the power-washer and went to town on my car and my mom's car. My dad was even able to remove the sticker gunge from the parking mishap way back which has been blocking my blind spot for months. When all the washing was finished, he waxed our cars as well. For the record, my dad officially rocks. Also, the Silver Bullet, with new repairs and sparkling clean, has perhaps not looked so good since I first bought her:
Because the universe has a delightful sense of humor, a bird crapped on the side as soon as I walked out to take a photo. I refrained from documenting this event.
We had lunch out on the deck, then my mom gave my gram a tour of the garden. As I accompanied them, I made mental notes and went back through taking photos, which (you guessed right), I put in yet another Flickr set - July Flowers.
In the evening my parents and aunt went out to see the Red Bank fireworks (reportedly the best in years), but I decided to stay home with my gram. Before they'd even left the driveway, we had Pie Time, during which we finished the rest of the key lime pie from the night before. We chatted some and watched a little TV, but we were both nodding off by 9:00, at which point my gram went up to bed and I watched some more TV until my parents got home. I started reading one of my mom's books, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, which is set in Botswana and is quite a fun read. I am becoming increasingly aware that I absolutelyhave to go to Africa, and soon.
Tuesday, 7/4
Everyone slept in pretty late, and my gram couldn't get over that this was the last day of their vacation. I agreed that the time had certainly flown by, and I did not envy their impending 5am departure the next day (necessitating a 3am wake-up, incidentally).
We puttered around the house most of the morning, then my parents, aunt & I got in a quick afternoon sail. We were hesitant because it was becoming overcast and all the classic predictors of a thunderstorm were moving in fast, but we were able to get it in and we all came away much more relaxed and happy for it.
At some point in my life, I've developed the ability to forecast weather, and I accurately predicted that there would be a mega kick-ass thunderstorm during which all the rain would dump out, followed by sun and a much cooler, pleasant evening. Eric had gotten in from Brooklyn by the time we got back, so I had cheese and crackers with him, my brother & gram while the rain came down in torrents. All the while I irritatingly professed with absolute assurance that the rain would quit in time for us to walk over to the party we were going to, and sure enough, the sun even came out.
My father's cousin Marty and his housemates had an awesome party in Sea Bright, having erected a gianormous tent on their front lawn and set up trays upon trays of lobster, opilio crab clusters, clams, and all other manner of food. There was even a separate tent just for dessert. (You know this is my kind of party right here).
My brother and our friend Chris showed up later and they shared all the ocean disaster stories they knew along with cousin Marty, making for quite traumatizing discussion. The opilio crabs had everyone talking about that show Deadliest Catch, which I cannot watch because I then have nightmares about my brother in similar seas. It was interesting to hear them all talk about how vulnerable they are and how even the highest precautions still offer no real protection against the elements, without a breath of fear or intimidation in their voices. Of course after a point I had to stop listening, since I am absolutely terrified of the ocean and was beginning to feel sea sick just sitting there.
We went down to a viewing gallery they'd set up to watch the fireworks, which were great fun. I stood behind everyone so I could take photos, some of which came out surprisingly good... though I have not yet gone through and edited them, so you will have to fill in for yourself with one of five hundred thousandsimilar images until I do.
We talked a little more in the evening, though Gram & Elise had to get to bed pretty early, as did my brother. My poor dad was put in charge of wakeups, which went something like:
- 3am - wake Elise & Gram up
- 4am - get up and say goodbye to Hawaiian Boardmans
- 4:30am - wake brother up for work
- 5am - wake self up, go to work
I am convinced my father is some variety of superhuman.
Eric and my mom and I were up very late talking story, and my mom inadvertently taught Eric some new ways of controlling me (such as, when you want your children to behave while running errands, you make ice cream the last stop of the trip - damnit). E headed back to Brooklyn and I crashed out asleep, where I remained until late the next morning when everyone had already left for the airport, work, etc and somehow managed not to wake me even though I was sleeping in the middle of the dining room floor.
Wednesday 7/5
I spent most of the day goofing off on my mom's computer (though not blogging - sorry bout that), watching some junk TV, and eventually reading. I needed some downtime to be alone and unshowered for a while, so it was a nice relaxing afternoon. My brother got home from work and we talked a bit, then my dad got home. He told me how hungry and tired he'd been all day, having only a packet of Oreos to eat and a consequential sugar crash that made him afraid he'd fall asleep driving (which happened last summer and resulted in a horrifying but thank God non-disastrous careening across multiple lanes of traffic and narrow avoidance of a head-on collision with a huge truck).
We both dozed off in the recliners with the Weather Channel on (perhaps this is where I'm obtaining subliminal weather-forecasting abilities?), then got up when my mom came home. I cooked some pretty delicious sausage and peppers for dinner, and even though I snapped at my dad (he always tells me to cut the sausage into thicker slices than I want), we all enjoyed it immensely. It's very nice to be able to cook well.
In the evening I worked with my mom to design some things, which considering she is a professional in this area, was more likely a case of her watching me fumble trying to get at what she knew how to do much better. Either way, she seemed to appreciate whatever "help" I gave, and the finished products look fantastic, so it worked out marvellously.
Thursday 7/6
I was upset when I woke up because I thought I'd missed saying goodbye to my parents, but it turned out my father had not yet left for work and my mother was working from home. I visited with her and Otto, watching a bunch of Wimbledon to high amusement, chatting some, and eventually got up enough motivation to head back to Brooklyn in the afternoon.
I was able to fill my tank at $2.92 a gallon, up from the $2.85 that station featured earlier in the weekend. Sadly, this was a huge thrill for me. The drive home was actually pleasant, though I got caught in the middle of some baffling procession of fire trucks and police cars through Staten Island. They were parking the fire trucks on bridges and overpasses, lights on, unfurling banners and American flags, and as I got closer to the Verrezano I saw more and more groups of firemen and police officers standing by their vehicles soluting the road. I have no idea what that was all about, but in turning on 1010 WINS to find out, I heard about a huge accident that closed off the upper level of the bridge and successfully avoided the massive congestion that was forming as they began barricading it off.
I got home with enough time to visit with Eric and get all fresh and clean to go to the Trash Bar in Williamsburg, where we saw our friend Rob's band play. They were awesome and we ran into a few friends there, which was a blast. We stayed late into the night, as they continued giving free baskets of tater tots, officially making them the best bar I've been to in Brooklyn thusfar.
I put up a whole set of photos from Thursday night as well, with captions explaining some of why I had such a delightful time and spent most of the night laughing my ass off.
After a late-night trip to the Kellogg's Diner (mmm ruben), I concluded that I love all of my friends and family very much and had a spectacularly awesome few days.
Since this is perhaps the longest entry I've written yet (and Eric keeps asking if I'm still blogging), I'm going to cut off here and write about my weekend in a future entry. Basically I went to Ridgefield, Hartford, Boston, then back to Hartford again, saw tons of people, took tons of photos, and had a wonderful wonderful time.
Summer vacation is the best!
(And in case you haven't been clicking through this post - here are the photo sets from last week in approximate order:)