I have encountered several serious lapses in customer service this week, and it's gotten me more than a bit peeved. Perhaps I am overly sensitive, as I once worked in customer service and know that there are usually SO MANY things that can be done to help, but lately, I'm getting the opposite of what I'd expect.
1) Website Hosting
Like Hope, I too am increasingly frustrated and dissatisfied with GNX online, the company that hosts myart site. Perhaps I'm being too kind in saying they genuinely suck donkey balls, but I think you'll get the idea.
Whereas the delightful and lovely folks who host this site (Web Hosting Buzz - they're awesome) have near perfect server up-time and have never ducked my questions or left me wondering what's going on for days at a time, GNX basically does everything ass-backwards, charges too much for not enough, and then responds to service tickets weeks late with cryptic haikus.
The server was loaded highly with some process and hence becoming unavailable
now it has been rebooted and its working.
now we will investigate which service is interrupting the whole server and fix it .
then update it on the member area system status asap
I'm sorry, but that's just not good enough, and especially not when it happens several times a month.
2) The Postal Service
Yes, I know, it's like complaining that the sky is sometimes blue (mostly pale grey) or that your breath smells when you drink milk before bed and don't brush your teeth... but I have even been told by postal employees that the service we're receiving is bad beyond usual.
For the first year and a half that we lived here, we had really pretty decent service. We got all our mail quickly and regularly, and whenever we had packages, we'd get a neat little peach slip in our box. Almost always, the package would be back in the post service that same afternoon and we could get them without hassles.
Then stuff started getting weird. We wouldn't get mail for three or four days in a row, then one afternoon our box would be so jammed full that things got ripped from all the shoving.
We stopped getting package notices entirely, and for the past few months we've had to call the shipper to get a tracking number to take to the post office to ask them to search for things they were supposed to have.
Then they stopped having our packages too. About a month ago, Eric had something pretty pricey shipped with extra insurance, and the post office marked it as delivered even though we'd never even gotten a notice. Because he had paid insurance, he was able to get the sender to refund his money and replace the missing item (which I think was like a camera lens or a computer), but not without a huge hassle.
So on March 16th, I ordered $25 of stockings from a website. (Just don't ask). It wasn't a terribly expensive package, so I didn't bother with insurance or paying extra for UPS, figuring Eric's experience was just a weird fluke.
At that time, there were some really bad snow storms, so I gave extra time in case deliveries were effected. I waited two weeks, then sent an email to the website customer service asking for a tracking number in case the package was lost. I never got a reply, so a week later (Thursday), I called and she said that her web hosting is really sucky and sometimes emails don't get through (boy, could I relate).
I got my tracking number and called the USPS customer service line. The woman I spoke with said oh yeah, they have the package in the station and would be holding for me. I asked are you sure, they don't have it marked as sent back to the sender or anything, and she said no, it's marked as being in the station.
Then I went down to the station and not only do they not have my package (after a very hasty inspection) but when the guy looked it up in the system, he said it had already been delivered on March 19th, which no, it really hadn't.
I said as much, and he immediately said "Well maybe they left it at your neighbor's," and when I explained that hundreds of people live in my building and they never do that, they always give us a notice (except lately), he started giving me a hard time about how long I waited to come looking for it. I explained the time frame and the circumstances (including that there was a huge snowstorm on the 19th, so I really couldn't believe they'd trudged over with my package the Monday after a weekend order), and I asked if perhaps there was some scanning error or the possibility that it was marked wrong in the computer, and he started ranting about how it's not his problem, and there's not really anything he can do, except apparently huffily give me a claims form.
When I called the USPS line again to complain, the woman said she'd fielded 40 or 50 complaints for my area that day alone, and said that eventually when they get enough complaints they'll look into it. Somehow I can't help thinking that if I were an employee and I caused 50 people to complain about my shitty performance, I wouldn't be tolerated so long.
In a further bizarre extension of an already tedious and frustrated experience (which still hasn't finished because I am less 30 dollars and not yet in possession of my stockings damn it), I actually got a phone call today from a post office supervisor to ask about this rude clerk.
After I told her the exchange, she said she knew just which clerk I was talking about and said, "That one's always running off with the mouth." She seemed like she was actually looking forward to chewing him out.
Also, it turns out that our normal carrier has been on vacation for the past month, which she suggests may have explained some of the erratic delivery tendencies. I just want to know, how does a letter carrier manage to get a full month of vacation when I've never had more than 2 weeks, and unpaid at that?
3) Medical Insurance Companies, Claims Departments, and Every Doctor I've Dealt with Lately
Again, rain is wet, feces smell, fat people have to wear larger clothing... and yet, argh.
I should know better than to expect stellar coverage from my student insurance since obviously they buy a huge umbrella policy they don't really expect us to use. Unfortunately as a 25-year-old grad student, I'm not covered under anyone else's policy and so this is all I've got... and I actually kind of need it.
The first annoying situation was to do with the gynecologist I saw once or twice before in my old neighborhood. No matter how many times I double and triple checked that they had updated my insurance information to my school policy, my mother still got a notice that they had tried to bill her policy (from which I was purchasing COBRA at the time I lived there).
Obviously that claim was not honored, and they kept trying to come after me for the full cost of the exam, and I had to keep telling them the billing information for my new insurance. Finally I got a sympathetic employee and I asked her to white out my parents' information, which presumably is the only reason I'm no longer getting collections letters for an exam that was supposed to be covered in full.
Unfortunately, the lab company they used is not so bright, and I don't know how to get the message to them. They were given my parents' insurance information from the doctor's office, and obviously their nearly $400 of tests were not covered by a policy I have not been under for several years.
When I saw the insurance information they were trying to use, I checked the box to change my information on file and wrote in all my new stuff on the back, sent it in, and didn't hear anything from them for almost a year. Then, I got another bill with an angry letter, and I saw that, predictably, they hadn't updated my insurance information and had once again tried to bill my parents' insurance.
None of these are huge deals because I could actually afford a few hundred bucks in a pinch (which has happened before).
My recent hospitalization, however, came to the tune of around $16,000, and no, I absolutely cannot afford that. Though I gave all the insurance information I had to the hospital intake staff and insisted they not do anything that was not fully covered by my insurance (including even admitting me), they are now angrily calling saying I somehow haven't given them enough information.
Supposedly my insurance company sent me a questionnaire about the nature of my treatment (they didn't) and the paperwork to file a claim (they didn't). Supposedly I should be able to go on the website and fill out a claim form to authorize the insurance company to pay the hospital (I can't). Ultimately, if I can't get the insurance company to talk to me and do what they're supposed to do, then I am responsible for that whole treatment, which, obviously I can't afford and is the very reason one carries overpriced health insurance.
4) My Banks
Ah, bank fees. The Washington Mutual commercial which has a banker accidentally scoffing "But fees are how banks make money!" is really rather spot-on (unfortunately, good old Wamu is one of the worst offenders with fees in my experience).
I've gotten pretty vigilant with keeping my accounts balanced and avoiding fees since I do not have an abundance of cash to splurge on them (I'd prefer to buy groceries for the week).
I set up a new account up here recently, since I realized it is a bit absurd to drive down to New Jersey when I want to deposit a check. My first experiences have been less than promising of course.
For one thing, it took them nearly three weeks to clear my first big student loan check... which really puts a damper on things like paying rent or eating. They also put the money that I opened the account with into savings, despite giving me a choice, where I opted that it all go into checking. It goes without saying, I got charged an overdraft fee when I tried to take money out of that checking and they had to move it from my savings to cover it (and yes, I disputed that and the rep dumbly told me "Well you would have had the choice to put it in checking or savings, and umm, you shouldn't have chosen savings," no matter how many times I said no, really, I have that choice, and I can see the amounts were reversed, etc).
This is not the major offense, however. The big thing happened when I attempted to transfer a sizable amount from this account to my New Jersey account because the checks I ordered took nearly a month to get there. I went through the rigamoralle of authorizing transfers and setting it all up, all the while thinking "I should just PayPal this to myself..." but finally I got it ready, transferred the amount, got my confirmation numbers, and thought it was over with.
I gave it a week longer than the 2-3 days they said it would take, and when I checked my Bank of America balance up here, it was less the amount I'd transferred, so I figured it had all gone through okay. Turns out no, I was wrong, and for every transaction I charged to my New Jersey account (including dinky ones for like $9 and $15), I was charged a $30 overdraft fee because whoops, they didn't transfer the money after all.
Finally I realized what was happening and logged into my Bank of America account, where I got a baffling error message which simply said they could not transfer outside of the bank at this time. When I spoke with another customer service rep, pointing out how I was given confirmation of the transfer and could see where the money had been taken out of my account then redeposited several days later, she said she didn't know what to tell me, but they couldn't do anything.
My other bank was slightly more obliging and allowed me to do an electronic transfer by phone. I explained the whole situation to their representative (and really, these people are usually so awesome and obliging and helpful), and she actually said "Well, we can't remove these overdraft fees if it's the other bank's fault. Maybe you can ask them to pay you back for them." Blinking in disbelief, I asked her again, "Are you really suggesting that I ask them to pay your fees?" and she glibly said "Sure, I mean, it's not like we can refund them."
So yes, it cost me another $30 to pay my $26 gym membership, another $30 for my $15 quarterly e-diets membership, an extra $30 on my $50 cell phone bill, and on and on to the tune of almost $300. They even charged me a fee for having accumulated so many fees that my account balance went negative.
I hate banks, I hate them, I hate them, and if I were not so very certain that the postal service would lose every envelope full of cash I attempted to send, I would keep all my money in a coffee can under my mattress.
5) The City of New York
Yep, I'm rounding the bases for the five-fer of horrible pains in my ass.
About two weeks ago, I had to get up early to move my car, as usual. I parked in a spot that was no parking 8-8:30 every day except Sunday, as it had been for as many months as I could remember (I think as long as I've lived here). This row of spaces is at one end of a block, and at the other is a bus stop, clearly delineated by their respective sign posts.
The next day, I came back to my car to move it, and I found that the No Parking 8-8:30 sign had been swapped with the bus stop sign, effectively relocating the bus stop to the other intersection. Of course this came with a $115 ticket on my car issued at 2:15 the day before, evidently after the change had been made.
Obviously no signs were posted or any indication that such a change would be taking place. They simply swapped the signs and ticketed as they saw fit.
I've disputed the ticket, but if I had to guess, I'd say I'll be offered a reduced fine or they'll find a way to tack on another fee... or they'll try to bill my parents' health insurance policy.
6) In Summation
I understand that all systems of American society are designed to take up all of my time and bilk me of all of my money. I realize there is just so much I can do about it, and so I have to cough up fines and fees and get things stolen from me and on and on under the sanction of some business or municipal transaction.
If you're doing the math, I could have afforded a nice little vacation with all the money I've lost on stupid and frustrating situations. I'm not even counting things like $300 the city refuses to refund when they illegally towed my car because even though they dismissed the ticket, they said "Someone still has to pay the towing company" (whom they wrongfully called and hired instead of using the municipal towers they're supposed to use).
But if I have a problem with this incompetence and want to stick up for myself, even a little, and I do so as politely and respectfully as possible, all I really ask is that the customer "service" representative at least try to provide a service which is not synonymous with peeing on my leg and smearing feces on my forehead.
Also if you read this far, I'm genuinely sorry. I just had to get some things off my chest, and Eric is tired of hearing me shout I think.