So I was all excited to check into my hotel, which boasted free wireless and air conditioning. I had visions of sitting around in my underpants uploading photos and downloading music, and well, you know.
It turns out that my hotel does not in fact have wireless, but that you have to go to another one nearby and pay 5 euros an hour to use theirs. Since I had important emails to send (no really) and ferry info to look up, I sucked it up and did so, but I'm kind of bitter. What with the wearing all my clothes at the moment and all.
It may be another 10 days or so until I am able to upload photos, for which I continue to apologize greatly. I'm not sure I've ever had so many photo-less entries in a row. However my mother arrives in Venice tomorrow morning, and after a few days here, we go to Florence and then Rome, which I expect will be amazing beyond belief.
My program was an absolutely awesome experience, and I am rather stunned by the amount of work I've done. I can honestly say that I am a completely different person than when I arrived here, and I have grown in unfathomable ways as an artist. I am itching to get back into my studio in NY and continue the momentum I've got in painting.
My materials & techniques project also went very well - it was on the chemistry and condition problems which are unique to glass in Venice, and it was a fascinating research process, even though half of my sources were in Italian and my Italian lessons only went so far as being able to describe the clothes I'm wearing and chatting with waiters at restaurants.
I will catch up on all kinds of stories and escapades when I have more leisure time to do so - it's crazy stressful to try to come up with the most salient points while watching a clock. I did see Peter Gabriel in concert, but he didn't play "Shock the Monkey," so right now he's dead to me.
Photos and stories an an entire new website to come upon my return.
Hope you all are continuing to have an awesome summer, and I think we're going to be having a party sometime when I get back in NYC (my flight home is on the 28th), so shoot me an email if you are so inclined.
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