
Be it ever so humble...

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I am in fact home, but I've been enjoying my sweetie, kitties, and apartment too much to sit down with the computer to write or edit photos. I have been attempting to catch up on RSS feeds and what's happened in the "world" (pop culture and the blogosphere) but it is not an easy task.

After living in an apartment and hotels with no stuff and no outlets to information, I'm feeling more than a bit overstimulated with all our belongings and connections to media. I mean... there are books! That I can read! Anyone who has woken up from a sound slumber to excitedly drop Jacques Barzun on her head a few minutes later could probably understand what I'm going through.

Last night I made chicken pot pie in a stuffing shell and an out of this world spiced pear cream tart with a graham cracker crust. In doing so, I think I used every single appliance and dish we own, and man, was I happy for it.

This afternoon we have to take the Smokeypants to the vet, as he has a weird bump on the back of his head. We keep teasing him that we have to pay $50 or $60 to the vet each time and all we get is a healthy Smokey, but I'm happy to do it again for the same results. Also, if anyone can tell me why a seemingly sane cat would prefer to poop in the shower instead of a brand-new, unused, immaculately fresh litter box, I'd really appreciate it.

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on July 31, 2007 12:55 PM.

Homeward bound was the previous entry in this blog.

And all we get is a healthy Smokey... is the next entry in this blog.

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