
They know what matters

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When I got home from class today, the kitties were snuggled up on the couch together.

By the light of day, none of what I was so upset about last night seems so critically important, and seeing them like that, so peaceful and adorable, I thought, how can anything be so terribly wrong in my life?

Eric left for London very early this morning. After a few more hours of sleep, I was actually in a good mood going to class, and it went quite well. I talked to my professor about doing my term project on medieval gardens, which when combined with my Venice research (which I'll talk about sometime soon), could develop into a really interesting and exciting art history thesis. Not what I'd planned or expected, but a really great topic nevertheless.

As I think about it, I'm actually looking forward to putting my life back together - it's scary, but it's such a great opportunity to make the changes I want and to figure things out. I guess the first important step was realizing that the only thing holding me back from the life I want to have is myself... which means that I have the capacity within me to change all that. Hoorays.

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on September 12, 2007 1:51 PM.

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