So last night I went a little insane (as you may have gathered), and I just could not figure out what I was doing wrong with my invitation files. I had emailed tech support, but knew not to expect a reply until I got home from my morning class.
And look what appeared in my inbox:
Autoflight was experiencing some difficulties last night, but it has been
reset and is now working smoothly.
I was so frustrated with the entire process that it never once occurred to me that it could be something wrong on their end. I re-uploaded my files, they were accepted and converted immediately, and the proofs came out perfect.
Now they are on their way to press, and eventually I will get them in my hot little hands (probably without enough time to mail them, whoops).
I was so unsettled by all that crap that I couldn't sleep. First I puttered around the apartment straightening up, then I cleaned out the fridge and washed dishes. (Who is this person?) I laid back down and stared at the ceiling in the bedroom until I thought I was going to lose my mind, so I got up and painted for a while.
And even though I sat with them and waited until they were both sound asleep, it seems the resident kitty Picasso team had a go at improving my work again.
Sometimes the marks are kind of interesting.
Sometimes they're just really annoying.
Stupid cats. I'm going to start working in the bedroom so I can lock them out. Jerks.
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