Eric and I talk a lot about things which are "in potentia" lately. You know, when you get a certain phrase or concept in your head and keep passing it back and forth? Yeah, that's us with in potentia.
I wasn't actually expecting to see him for Valentine's Day, since he had just left the day before for a month of cat-sitting at his mother's. He called and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner, then suggested that since Schnack is closing (oh, the sorrow), we should eat there at least one last time.
I was stoked that it would be low-key and fun, since I don't tend to do well at occasions where I am expected to dress nicely and act appropriately.
Side story: On one of my first Valentine's Day dinner dates, my boyfriend took me to a fancy restaurant, with a somewhat... over-eager service staff (read: they were hustling us out the door). I was getting tired of three people asking if I was done with my salad and coming over every few minutes to ask if we were "all set," so finally when the waiter, check in hand, asked if he "could bring us anything else" and hovered as I swallowed my second bite of dessert, I rolled my eyes and shook my head no. My boyfriend said something that made the waiter linger just a second longer to hear me say as an aside "Jeez, just go away and leave us alone for two seconds!" Of course, they both thought I was saying it to the waiter, my boyfriend was horribly embarrassed and offended and it went down in history that I was the rudest human being alive.
(When I used to tell stories like that in college, my friend Seth would shout "Good story Vicki, tell it again!" or say, "That's a good story, Vicki, you should tell it at parties." Eric has taken up this habit and thinks himself terribly clever.)
Schnack was way way chiller by comparison, and it was laid-back and comfortable. Eric and I both enjoyed beer milkshakes (yessss), split onion rings, and enjoyed the Best Deal burger which is truly out of this world wonderful. He was playing Outkast in the car because he had queued up "Happy Valentine's Day" when I got in, so I car-danced to "Heya" on the way home, sad that 2004 had really ended.
Since I am incapable of resisting surveys, memes, or any variety of cut-paste-and-overshare tasks, I feel compelled to gank the following from Hope.
I consider it big of me to resist correcting the who/whom problems in the questions:
How long have you been together? Officially since September of 2004, and we've been living together since June of 2005. For what it's worth, I've known him since I was 17 and he was my best friend for 4 or 5 years before we started dating.
How long did you date? I was trying to avoid math with my answer above. It has been 3 years and 5-1/2 months, nearly to the day.
How old is he? 28. (As I answered that, I had a total Stewie Griffin "42. Oh, I mean, he's very old. I think he's seven!")
Who eats more? I'm inclined to say it's pretty even. Without question, he eats much faster.
Who said 'I love you' first? As friends, I imagine I did. In a romantic sense, it was him.
Who is taller? He's almost a foot taller than me. In bare feet, he can rest his chin exactly on the top of my head.
Who is smarter? I'm smart enough to know better than to answer this question.
Who does the laundry? Neither of us, really. I like to think of it as an endurance test where smaller feet and nimble steps pay off.
Who does the dishes? That depends on who you ask. I will say I do them infrequently, but also that they infrequently get done.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I ask him to sleep on whichever side is farthest from the doorway or closest to a wall, and he always wants to shove the bed against a wall. I like it best when I'm on the left side.
Who pays the bills? We try to split everything evenly, except obviously for my tuition and such.
Who mows the lawn? We have no lawn, but I am responsible for killing all the plants.
Who cooks dinner? We both do, and we both think we do it better and more often than the other. We get a little competitive in the kitchen, I fear.
Who is more stubborn? I think this is a question of comparing the gold and silver medalists in the Intergalactic Olympics with a 0.0001 point spread.
Who kissed who first? I drunkenly kissed him on my 21st birthday, then I kissed him when we were tossing around the idea of dating and he kept playing "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" in the car. Bonus points, I had just eaten a glazed doughnut hole, so I tasted really delicious.
Who asked who out? It's hard to say. It was kind of a mutually-agreed upon situation that went something like "We should date." "Yeah totally, we practically are." "Okay, hoorays!" Then I broke up with him a few days later on his birthday (because I was trying to amass shitty karma) and I'm pretty sure I asked him back out again.
Who proposed? We talk sometimes about marriage and children in potentia, and I'm fairly sure I asked him to marry me last weekend, but there have as yet been no official proposals.
Who is more sensitive? In the bad way, me. I think in the good way, also me. I am definitely more emotional and intuitive, whereas he is rational and intellectual.
Who has more friends? I think him. He's one of those people that everyone knows and most people like. He's a really friendly guy, and I'm more intensely devoted to fewer close friends.
Who has more siblings? We both have one brother each. Unless you count Otto, the miniature dachshund whom my mother refers to as my little brother.
YAY! Happy Half-Price Chocolate Day! OMG PONIES!!!1!