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Probably obvious to astute readers or those who know me personally, I have been in a bit of a funk lately. And by "a bit," I mean "wallowing with the blanket pulled over my head" sort of funk, for no good reason really.

I vacillate between thinking I am hiding it very well and knowing that like all people I am utterly and completely transparent. No sense pretending anymore.

With regards to my latest tirade against Brooklyn, I think we can all safely say it's not Brooklyn, it's me. I could probably find fault anywhere there are people, and I know that by withdrawing I am essentially guaranteeing that I will only see and experience the negatives.

I have little other purpose to this post except to inform myself that it is time to resume work and school responsibilities, house cleaning, good grooming, and other healthy and productive habits.

I can't think of a graceful way of introducing them, so here are some things I've learned lately:

E-Prime is a writing system which avoids forms of the verb "to be." I have heard so-called rules about not using the passive voice, but I never came across e-prime as such. It's a rather fascinating idea, and I want to think a bit more about it.

- There is in fact a very easy and clear difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK. I never knew it, and when I asked Eric the other day out of frustration, he couldn't exactly remember. Several minutes on Wikipedia and I learned that England is a country, which is on the island of Great Britain. England, combined with Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland comprises the United Kingdom. I was stunned at how simple that was and yet, I don't recall ever learning it. My knowledge of geography is so pitiful that I still can't identify 80% of US states on a map, and if you had asked me where Idaho was before I met someone from there in Costa Rica, I probably would have suggested near Ohio.

I have a whole list of other things that I'm stunned to learn at age 26, but I actually have a paper to write this morning (weird, I know), followed by day 2 of mosaic. Wheee!

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on April 13, 2008 6:43 AM.

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