
Can't sleep, am 65 million degrees

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I understand that the laws in NYC regarding heating of residential buildings are probably necessary. They require that from October 1 through May 31, the temperature must be kept above 65 F. Fair enough.

Why is it, then, that every landlord I've ever had is incapable of actually making it 65 and instead aims for somewhere around oh, 80?? It's such a waste of energy and SO uncomfortable! We leave our windows open year-round, but we wait until almost June to turn the air conditioner on (because really, who can stand having the heat and air on at the same time?).

This time of year is practically insufferable - as the temperature rises outside, it becomes like a greenhouse in here, and by the time we go to bed, the air is thick with heat and humidity. We live in a sauna, no exaggeration, and I find it nearly impossible to sleep when I am drenched in sweat and can't cool down even with a fan blasting.

Keep in mind, I am the person who could sleep through getting sunburned in her own bed. So really, when I say this is terrible, I mean it.

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on April 25, 2008 6:04 AM.

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