
Does this ever happen to you?

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Why is it, that when I have to sneeze, it's not when I have nothing going on and my hands are free or even better with a tissue in them, but rather at the worst possible times?

Like when I'm doing something delicate and both hands are covered in something toxic. Or when I'm in the midst of using my mouth.

Just now, chocolate cream Newman-O's (like Oreos), at their finest state of pulverization just prior to swallowing. Sprayed all over my hands and, as a consequence, a bit of my face and neck too, forming a sort of sloppy chocolate beard. Awesome. This isn't even the first time that's happened, nor even the first time with this exact cookie. :-P

(Sorry, I couldn't look at my last entry any more - had to put up something irreverent).

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on April 11, 2008 8:57 PM.

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