I have lots and lots of things I want to talk about, and I keep opening up pages to write up posts, then falling asleep with my chin on my chest or getting distracted by something shiny.
In addition to the pretty important and exhausting things I had to do this week, I also had to buy seeds for a second attempt at an herb garden.
I really love cooking with fresh herbs, but I become increasingly resentful paying several dollars for a wilted little packet of them at the grocery. Because I left for Italy shortly after making containers last time, I never really got in the habit of herb maintenance. At first I under-watered, then overcompensated by over-watering, caused paradoxical dryness, and continued over-watering until I had some grayish brown, sad plant dust.
I am resolved that this batch will thrive. I'm starting them from seed, which may present an additional challenge, but I hope with some vigilance, I will have a nice little herb garden.
For the equally plant-enthused (hi, Mom), this is what I'm trying to grow this time around:
- basil
- lavender
- catnip
- chamomile
- lemon grass
- parsley
- sage
- rosemary
- thyme
- cilantro
- dill
- chives
- oregano
Delicious, right?
I have mentioned that we're going to move, and I hinted about how amazingly awesome the new place will be. Of course, it's fallen through (maybe just temporarily), but either way I still want to move somewhere that I can have plants in the ground. I am already dreaming of a huge productive garden and thinking how nice it will be to transfer my little plants there.
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