
Thinking about summer

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I used to hate summer. Phew, I've said it aloud.

Without the structure of the school days, I felt aimless and lost. I can think of more than a few summer days spent in an existential funk, or wallowing in teen angst. Inevitably at some point I'd descend into doldrums and find myself staring at the sun wondering "What am I even doing??"

Up until last year, summer was a time I dreaded because I didn't know what I wanted out of it, and I never had a purpose for it. Left to my own devices, I drove myself insane.

Then last summer I had the most amazing six weeks perhaps of my life, living in Venice. It completely changed me as a person, and I absolutely loved it.

As this semester is starting to wind down, instead of dreading summer, I'm thinking of all kinds of ways to fill it up, work I want to get done, projects I want to dedicate all my time to, new things I want to start doing....

I'm actually excited it's almost summer break. So excited that I can barely sit still trying to finish the last of my projects this spring. Some of the things this summer may include (but let's keep our fingers cross and not jinx anything):

- TA'ing for a chemistry class at school

- exciting research on conservation projects

- at least 2 weeks and maybe as much as a month abroad (we'll talk more about this soon)

- horticulture classes? (trying to decide about these)

- developing astonishingly impressive gym habits, especially swimming, and getting over my fear of riding my bike around Brooklyn

- thesis research galore

- looking for, finding, and moving into a new apartment in a better neighborhood

Phew. I probably even forgot some things. This looks like it's gonna be a really nice time.

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This page contains a single entry by Vicki published on April 24, 2008 9:03 AM.

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