I am making my way through an all-nighter grading undergrad papers (which will likely be followed by a marathon of grading final exams), and I was startled to do this basic math:
Kindergarten + 8 years of grade school + 4 years of high school + 4 years of undergrad + 3 years (so far, ahem) of grad school = 20 years that I've been a full-time student.
This doesn't include summer sessions or internships on top of a full schedule, for which I feel I should earn fractions.
The point is, I've been doing this an astonishingly long time. And I'm not even done yet.
Perhaps by the time I'm 50, I will learn to manage my work so I don't leave it all till the night before it's due. Perhaps then I will also have an idea how to get a job that pays above minimum wage. Sigh.
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