I'm having a really hard time expressing myself lately. I keep trying to talk to people about things and losing the words, finding that there isn't really language to describe what I feel. I have this sensation, like a fist in my chest, that I need to tell people things, but the fingers won't open and reveal what's being held. It's just a tightness, a hovering anxiety, a heavy thick mist, and it's chilling.
(Parenthetically, Virginia Woolf once observed that a great limitation of the English language is the lack of authentic description for illness and emotion or the interior state: most attempts fall into a cliché of Romanticism or melodramatic despair because we've worn out what used to be meaningful words, and those which are accurate resonate as clinical abstractions pillaged from psychology. I've paraphrased, of course.)
When you're not able to speak your mind, all those little thoughts gain significance well beyond what they should. The longer they rattle around unformed and stymied, the more they reverberate into an echoing, deafening din. When you've spent as much time as I have lately closing yourself off to feelings as well, it starts to feel like choking. The bits that get through are nonsensical, sputtering gasps made in desperation, trying to cut off a flood of words and feelings that carry no meaning on their own anymore.
So, what I'm trying to say is there's been stuff. And I'm struggling to organize my thoughts into coherency on the things that have happened. A dear friend and I spoke about these things once, and years ago he said, "Just spit things out. Once you get enough out, it'll have meaning." I took that idea to painting and have found it pretty immeasurably helpful over the years. It probably can't hurt now.
One of my father's cousins died just before Christmas, of complications from lung cancer. I'm finding this inordinately distressing because so many of my friends still smoke. I am no longer able to be kind about it or pretend it doesn't bother me as much as it does.
I'm also distressed because even though we lived one town over, I barely knew that side of the family, due to a ridiculous feud between two now long-dead brothers. There are many similar not-speaking situations all around my extended family on both sides. In high school I met second cousins who were children of the youngest of 8 siblings, all of whom I had never met because their grandfather and my grandmother had a fight over an apartment more than 50 years ago. There are now four generations of people with whom I share DNA who I will probably never know. Family is really important to me, but most of my "family" feels like complete strangers, or they are. Maybe that shouldn't bother me, but it really does.
Another person I know tried to kill herself. She's really unwell, and this isn't the first time, and it seems like she is in a kind of downward spiral that she's not going to come out of. I can't make sense of her life and how it got this way. I'm disgusted with myself because I keep thinking maybe it would have been better if she succeeded, maybe she could find peace.
My father fell on ice outside our house and tore his shoulder muscles in four places. He needs surgery, and though he's going about life as if he's fine, he's in tremendous pain. I hate seeing my parents suffer, I hate seeing them sick or injured. I know they're human beings and governed by mortality just like everyone else, but I'm not ready to deal with it.
I keep closing both of my parents and my brother out, and I'm acting like a pretty despicable person lately. I have exhilarating moments of happiness, and then I go numb, and I can't let them in. I know I'm coming off as callous and heartless (or hiding behind being drunk), but it just keeps happening.
I'm doing it with friends and exes too. I have these feelings of hurt I can't escape. The feelings aren't coming in anger or sadness or something identifiable, just a dull ache. I keep remembering things that happened and how they felt, and I can't look at people in the present without remembering how I hurt because of them. I know it's self-defeating because no matter how sorry someone is, they can't get in a time machine and repair the past, but I have a really hard time getting over things or quieting myself when I am sure the same things are happening again. It has been pointed out to me that I am lousy at forgiving, and I'm disappointed with myself because I know it's true.
I suspect the solution is to engage in the present and quit building walls between myself and other people, but it's not just about protecting myself. It's more to keep from lashing out and hurting others, saying more than I meant to, being a little too honest and not being able to take it back.
That's the thing with words. You can't unspeak them. You can't erase the bruises they leave on the heart, and even if they heal, the memory is there. I suppose it's for the best that I'm struggling so much to communicate - my brain might actually succeed in filtering myself enough to minimize the damage.
I spoke with the friend who had advised me to spit things out yesterday, and he shared some more pretty great advice that he had received. He's 29, and a friend told him that being 29 is about dealing with all the stuff you don't want to bring into your thirties. I guess in a way, I'm trying to do that with the end of this year. I don't want to bring all this stuff into 2009 (even though I know I can't avoid a lot of it), so I figure if I at least get some of it out, it can't keep sitting on my chest.
We'll see.